Free tours of Dyersville Solar & Energy Efficiency Projects

Investing in solar energy and energy efficiency projects are important ways for Dubuque County residents to save money on their monthly bills while minimizing their impact on the environment. The Dubuque County Energy District will be showcasing local projects in Dyersville during a free self-guided tour on Saturday, April 27th from 10:00am – 1:00pm.

Solar and energy efficiency projects can benefit all types of energy users, so a wide variety of sites will be featured, including residential, small business, farms, and municipalities. Tour participants are welcome to visit any of the sites in any order. There will be informational displays and volunteers at each location to discuss how they have benefited from their energy efficiency and solar investments. Locations for the Dyersville tour:

  • Dyersville Social Center, 625 3rd Ave SE
  • Knepper residence, 1311 9th Ave SE
  • Olberding Farm, 30867 Olde Castle Rd, Dyersville
  • Plaza Antique Mall, 1235 16th Ave Ct SE
  • Theisen’s Home•Farm•Auto – Dyersville, 1222 9th St SE

Map of tour sites:

Download PDF tour map

For updates on the tour and live updates on the tour date, follow the Dubuque County Energy District on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.