Become a Member!

The Dubuque County Energy District would like to thank you for supporting our efforts and advocating for energy democracy. In 2020, we have continued to reach out to Dubuque County residents regarding our goal for 100% sustainable, efficient and/or renewable energy by 2050.

We ask you to support our efforts and the ongoing development of our initiatives. SUPPORT HERE.

Over the last year, the Dubuque County Energy District has:

  • Worked with libraries to host a LED bulb swap event
  • Hired a part time Project Coordinator
  • Hosted an Electric Vehicle event in partnership with Sustainable Dubuque and the Galena Green Team
  • Engaged local legislators in the 2nd Annual Legislative Energy Crawl hybrid event, discussing the importance of low income weatherization and energy efficient projects
  • Established a partnership with the Green Iowa Americorp Team
  • Advocated at the state table as a partner in the Clean Energy Districts of Iowa
  • Offered small businesses and farmers an opportunity for a free energy audit to lower their energy expenses
  • Engaged community members to build a Ratepayer Bill of Rights

We ask you to support our efforts and the ongoing development of our initiatives. SUPPORT HERE

Below, you will find our membership levels (Sponsorship form). Each level provides a unique opportunity to engage with our local energy efforts. Into the end of 2020 and into 2021, the Dubuque County Energy District will:

  • Establish a quarterly energy breakfast, featuring locally sourced eggs and keynote speakers
  • Leverage partnerships to increase renewable and clean energy resources and education
  • Partner with HACAP and Green Iowa Americorp to streamline weatherization projects in Dubuque County
  • Market our efforts into homes though a holiday sustainable wrapping paper initiative
  • Build local efforts to obtain more funding for weatherization and energy efficiency projects
  • Work with local food distributors to complete an LED Bulb Swap
  • Continue to build the foundational programming
  • Generate a plan to increase electric vehicle charging stations throughout the county
  • Work to build rural access to energy resources

We ask you to support our efforts and the ongoing development of our initiatives. SUPPORT HERE

You can make a difference in Dubuque County and beyond with your investment in the Dubuque County Energy District. Every dollar you give goes back to building our local community. The cutting edge approach of the energy district creates a more resilient and vibrant community.

Thank you for your support of the Dubuque County Energy District. We look forward to our future partnerships and collaboration!


Dan Splinter, ChairRaki GiannakourosShane Hoeper
Jacob LucasChris TheisenCharlie Winterwood
Sponsorship Form Request– Email Michaela
Sponsorship Form – PDF