Low-Income Solar Impacts Local Habitat for Humanity Project

Dubuque, IA – The Dubuque County Energy District (DbqCoED), in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity and Blue Sky Solar, announces a new-to-Dubuque opportunity for low-income solar installation.

By working to connect longer term solutions to home ownership and clean energy generation, the DbqCoED and Habitat for Humanity worked to complete a solar array installation for a Dubuque housing project. The 5.6kW array will generate 6,426 kWh annually, saving the homeowner approximately $970 per year. Traditionally, those who are low-income have the highest energy burden. An energy burden is the percentage one pays for energy expenses versus their income.

“I am super excited to use a renewable energy source. I work hard not to purchase unnecessary items, along with recycling and reducing my waste. I am so proud to call this my home,” shared the new homeowner. The installation process was completed on Friday, June 25, 2021 by Blue Sky Solar, a local solar installation company.

“Habitat partners with families ready to work and control their housing and energy costs. Our homebuyers want to make sound financial decisions that set them up to be successful homeowners. This solar installation was possible because of partnerships. We know the costs of homeownership continues after purchase. Solar is a way to mediate the ongoing and increasing cost of energy for Habitat homebuyers. We believe this is a replicable model that allows families to achieve long-term financial stability in a quality home. We need private and public partnerships to make ownership available to homebuyers seeking solutions to rising housing and energy costs,” shares Erica Haugen.

Please join the DbqCoED in celebrating the first, of hopefully many, private funded low-income solar installation project. To continue impacting our neighbors, we must leverage public and private dollars to reach community residents who are at the highest energy burden.

To learn more about how your organization can coordinate with local solar companies, please contact Michaela (Program Coordinator, Dubuque County Energy District) at Michaela@energydistrict.org or about Habitat for Humanity projects Erica (Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity Dubuque and Jackson Counties) at director@habitatdjc.org.
